Psalm 45                                         Monday Evening 2. Saturday Midday 4

My heart has composed a sweet melody; * I shall recite my work, O king. * My tongue is the pen of a skillful scribe.

    You are the most handsome of all men; * charm flows from your lips.

    God, the Supreme Being, * has blessed you from eternity.

        Strap your sword at your side; * prevail by your splendor * and conquer by your majesty.

        Ride triumphantly in the cause of truth, * and defend the poor.

           Your right hand's wonders, your sharpened arrows, * shall point you out.

           Peoples shall fall at your feet, * the foes of the king lie senseless.

    The everlasting Godhas enthroned you. * Your kingdom's scepter must be a scepter of equity.

                   Love justice and hate iniquity; * the Supreme Being has anointed you, God, your God.

               Your garments are the oil of rejoicing; * all your robes are myrrh, aloes and cassia.

           How many are the ivory palaces! * How many to make you joyful!

           Daughters of kings shall be stationed in your courts, * the queen at your right in gold of Ophir.

        Listen, daughter, and see; * turn your ear: * “Forget your people and your father's house.

        For the king desires your beauty; * yes, he is your lord; * pay homage to him.

        A robe from Tyre is among your gifts; * the guests seek your favor.”

    All her robes are royal garb, * inside brocaded with gold. * Her wardrobe is by professional brocaders.

    Let the maiden be led to the king; * let her companions be brought after her.

    Come, let her be brought with joy and gladness; * let her be brought into the palace of the king.

In place of your fathers shall be your sons; * you shall make them princes over all the earth.

I shall sing your name through all generations; * peoples shall praise you, Supreme Being Everlasting.



Mon Ev 2: To Eph 1

End of Sat Midday 4

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